Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday Jan. 28, 2013


Paisley my daughter loves putting food into the juicer, she is helping me this morning make our morning juice!

I stepped on the scale this morning and I had lost 7 lbs! This is amazing since I have been focusing on moving meat and animal products out of my diet since last Friday...which was only 3 days ago.

As of right now I am eating veggies and fruit during the day. My morning and mid day snack consist of either more juice or a whole fruit or veggie, or nuts like almonds, cashews or walnuts. Lunch consists of a Medium sized salad lots of veggies, an avocado and key ingredients that include cilantro and parsley. Cilantro and parsley are added to help increase with the detoxing of my body. Ideally dinner will be large salad with beans and some steamed veggies on the side. Right now I have had meat for dinner every night. I am slowly moving that to only having 2 meals a week with meat. This will make my diet about 90% raw veggies and fruit. It's not easy since I have been eating meat or an animal product 3-4 times a day.

If your interested in some of the information I have been researching here is a book I highly recommend. Eat to Live, by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. This book is awesome and he goes through all the ins and outs of why we as a human race need to have more veggies and fruit in our diet. I purchased the V-Book for my ipad and iphone. This was a huge time saver for me while reading I could easily read 6-10 pages at work when things got a little slow.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Animal Fast

Have you ever fasted before? Growing up as a member of the LDS Faith (the Mormons) we fasted a lot. Usually the first Sunday of each month. This was always a struggle for me since I love to eat food. Fasting has always been a spiritual type of activity for me in my life. Until now.

Up to this point I have been trying to use a ketogenic type of diet to loose weight. High protein very low carbs, much like Atkins or Medifast, the South Beach Diet etc...This type of diet was helpful and effective but I could never stay with it for the long term. In the beginning I would go a few weeks and cheat, than as time went on I could only go a few days before I cheated. I have yet to really bring myself out of this slump. While all of this has been going on I have been doing a lot of reading and research about whole food diets. When I day diet I don't mean dieting, I am reffering to what we eat is our diet.

So this whole food diet research has taught me that I need to reprogram what I eat. First thing first, Vegetables and fruit. There are many different avenues I can take here on reprogramming my diet to include 80-90% raw vegetables and fruit. Between a juice fast and Dr. Fuhrman's 6 week program you can retrain your mind and body to not rely on animal products. The results are supposed to be more energy, overall health, weight loss, cholesterol and blood pressure levels will drop as well.

So how am I doing it. Well I bought a Vita Mix back in September and I'm using it to make smoothies. I also went out and bought a juicer. The combination of these two tools in my kitchen is going to help me reboot my entire life and my health. I am testing this theory that my body will heal itself if I put the right type of food into it. I am expecting weight loss, my blood pressure to decrease and my triglycerides to come down. I am hoping I see the change in myself that others have experienced. It's not easy to completely change your eating habits, right now I am trying to change things slowly so I can stick with the program. So enjoy the blog as I keep it up to date with success and interesting things about my journey.